Seniors can apply for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) starting October 1.
How to fill out the FAFSA Guide: Step-by-Step
“Click the link above if you are seeking to apply for financial aid from colleges and universities in the United States. The form you need to complete is called the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA.
After you complete the form, you’ll get an Expected Family Contribution (EFC), which tells colleges how much you or your family can afford for college. Colleges will use this number, along with other required information (e.g. CSS Profile, your state’s application, etc.) to put together a financial aid package. This step-by-step guide will help you question-by-question fill in the FAFSA.”
How to Pay for College Without Student Loans
There are many affordable options to obtaining a college education without breaking the bank. Low-income students are able to take advantage of tuition free education in New York State if other eligibility requirements are met. Read this article to find out how to pay for college without student loans.
Student Resource Guide
This link contains information about hundreds of scholarships. These scholarships include those for DACA students, undocumented students, and students with different abilities as well.
FAFSA Deadlines
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) starts accepting applications every Oct. 1 and is due June 30 of that award year, although schools and states have their own deadlines.
NYS Scholarships
The Higher Education Services Corporation (HESC) lists all New York State funded scholarships for students with different needs and from various backgrounds. The website lists scholarships, grants, work-study, awards and more.
MALDEF Scholarships
A variety of scholarships that cover from $500 to full tuition. Students should apply to over 20 scholarships. Applying to just one or two does not give you enough chances.
Going Merry
A free scholarship and application system. Start applying for scholarships in less than 30 minutes.
Pro Fellow
Pro Fellow is free database of more than 1,300 funding awards for graduate study (Master’s and Doctoral degrees) and professional development.